Explore! After School Program

Our after school program has a new look and a new name – During the 2022-2023 school year, our program participants helped us develop a name for our after school programming and Explore! was the winning vote.

Explore! is everything our after school programming has been in the past but also even more as we move into the future. Each year, we are adding more local community partnerships that come and engage with our programming. Last school year we had WIPB PBS coming once a week, IU Health Medical students coming once a month, BSU grad students coming to teach Futsal, Open Door Health Services coming to teach about dental hygiene, and more. We hope to continue to these partnerships, as well as, build on them creating even more learning opportunities for our students.

To learn more about our after school program, Explore!, you can check out our policies and procedures here: Explore! After School Policies.

Interested in registering a student? Please contact us at education@rosscentermuncie.org.

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